Brain power is the power of your mind must be large in memory. It is important that how you can increase this power. Mostly people going to doctor and take medicine for increase their memory. For collect the information about to improve mind we can refer our history. Best peoples like ‘Swami Vivekanand’ , ‘Dr. Radhakrashnan’ who had improve their mind power unbelievable. I was thinking that what the region behind them is. If we go more back in history of man we will find that eminent persons (teacher) give sermon (education) to their students in their place of residence in jungle. These students will not forget anything in their whole life. What are the powers having those people to make success in their life?
Here we writing some tips and by following tips is very helpful to make visible increment in memory of the mind. I hope these tips are not hard or difficult to follow. By these simple 5 tips you can make a successful brain power.
1. Must give relax to the mind – This is more important that our mind take rest for some time. Non stoppable pressure is harmful to your mind. Over work load can disturb your mind. So, it is important that mind should take rest and out of burden. For example if a car is going on without give rest to its engine so it is dangerous to engine. And there will be increase of chances for accident.
2. Play mind game – We should play chess, play with numbers and more games depending on the decision of our mind. These games are very useful to exercise of our mind. Our latest technology video games are at top to make this task in children’s. They play games and make their mind sharp and can make decision at the point of their requirement.
3. Well sleeping – The best quality of brain power must require that you should sleep well and complete. Mostly eight hours of sleeping is very good for health. Mind can take complete relax while sleeping. So it is important that you should sleep must be in comfortable. The room must be noise less while sleeping so that your mind can take complete rest.
4. Be a good listener – If a man who is good in listening so he has good brain power also. It is most important that you do not ignore any voice. Must listen what are being saying to you. We should listen carefully and should collect exact meaning about the topic on which discussion was going on.
5. Do not go for medicines – All most people thinking that with the help of medicines they can increase the power of learning. But I want to inform you that no any medicine can make your thinking power fast. Medicines are useful for man who is sick. We are not ill. Advertises that attract to us for use their product which is not well. Unnecessary use of medicines is harmful to health and worst for mind.
We also update my blog in future for giving more information about increasing the power of mind and how to make our mind sharp. I think these tips are not difficult to us. We can make our mind sharp and fast easily by following this.