In today’s, mostly works are done by the computer. At this time it is required that your computer must work fast. So, we write this article for give some instruction to our readers to make their computer’s processing speed fast. Computer speed depends on the processing cycles executing the instructions in a unit of time. Processor cycle is used for executing instructions. These instructions may be software installation instructions or upload, download, saving, coping and moving instructions. So, it is important that all cycles must used by correct instruction. Here some points are given for make efficient use of processor to make your computer faster
1. Stop the unnecessary processes: To stop unnecessary processes you can open task manager and close all unnecessary processes that are being executing not for any region. These processes use processor’s cycles and make your computer slow. It is important that you must know what processes are important and being executing with your permission.
2. Selected software installation: You should have only useful software installed on your computer. Unnecessary software also executing background threads on your computer which is consume computer speed and make it slow. These unnecessary threads executing on your computer make user required processes incapable to complete. It is important that you must install selected software which is professional and useful to the users.
3. Must use antivirus: Using of antivirus makes your computer free from virus. Antivirus must install on your computer. Make sure that, antivirus that you are using must remove viruses and threads from your computer. Good quality of antivirus makes your computer faster. Do not use more than one antivirus. If you are using two or more antivirus on your computer it will always slow your computer down.
4. Boot time scanning: Scan is most important process which can remove viruses and threads from all memory of our computer. Boot time scanning is best choice for scan your computer. Viruses that are run with starting of computer cannot remove while the computer is running so boot time scanning is best option to remove that viruses and threads. Boot time scanning removes viruses from memory space while computer is booting and not in use with secondary memory.
5. Scanning of removable disk: If you are using removable disk like pan drive, memory cards than you must serious with scanning of them before using of them. Viruses travel from one computer to another with pan drives and spread all over the computer’s memory. This will block your computer speed, make slow your computer down, corrupt you computer’s data and memory. So it is important that you must know that pen drive should be free from virus before take in use.